Waverley, the world’s last sea going paddle steamer, will be visiting Bideford Friday 31 May arriving 1230. She will enter the estuary at about 1200 and there will be many opportunities to see her make her way up to Bideford.
Waverley is due to leave at 1345, to catch the tide, there will be opportunities to see her leave from quays and other vantage points.

Waverley’s last visit to Bideford was in the 1980s. She is the first heritage vessel to visit the port since Bideford and River Torridge became a heritage harbour in January 2024. We hope this is the first of many heritage vessels to visit the harbour. There are already expressions of interest from the Thames Barge Lady Daphne and Dido of London, built by Blackmores in 1937. Wouldn’t it be great to get Kathleen & May, currently moored in Gloucester, back to Bideford.
Welcome celebrations:

Steamship Freshspring open from 1200. Come and line the decks. Enjoy a great view and atmosphere as Waverley enters the port. Duet, a Thames steam launch built in 1901 will be accompanying Waverley up the estuary

Heritage Harbour welcome pack on the quay for passengers and visitors

If you miss Waverley on 31 May, or the weather is not kind, then she will be visiting Bideford again on Wednesday 19 June arriving 1600 departure 1700. There will be heritage harbour welcome packs on the quay for passengers and visitors.
If you want to know more about Waverley or book a trip go to https://waverleyexcursions.co.uk Timetable details from Waverley website: