
Adequate funding is the key to the survival of any organisation. Apart from the funding generated by memberships, Freshspring has no regular income and relies entirely on donations, grants and the sale of ‘memorabilia’ for its income.

Become a fundraiser

Our specific requirements are to raise funds for projects such as work on the ship and to support our education and learning objectives. We also need funds to cover our overheads.

Funding overhead costs is challenging and for this we rely on the generosity of our members, local charitable organisations, donations and organised events. You can help by making a donation or by fundraising for SS Freshspring! 

Either use the donate button to donate or, if you’ve got an idea for a fundraiser be that running a marathon or holding a bake sale, please get in touch to let us know.

Donate Today

 If you are a UK taxpayer, and specify that your donation is Gift Aided, we can claim a further 25% from the Government.