Get involved

You are the key to the SS Freshspring Trust’s past, present and future!

There are many ways you can help support SS Freshspring and through the generosity and actions of our supporters you can help SS Freshspring steam again, secure her future for generations to come and benefit the public at large through our educational schemes.




The commitment of members and volunteers is vital to achieving the Trust’s aim to stimulate interest in maritime heritage, inspiring educational objectives and securing a long term sustainable future for SS Freshspring.


Our volunteers support us in many ways including administration, fundraising, attending events, public relations, maritime skills, educational experience, finance, legal and procurement plus general work on board the heritage steamship.


Adequate funding is the key to the survival of any organisation. Apart from our membership, Freshspring has no regular income and relies entirely on donations, grants and the sale of ‘memorabilia’ for its income.

I’d like to see the ship leaving the dock under her own steam and be a small part of that.